PIQ Water

What does this mean for us humans, if we consume at least 1 to 2 liters of PIQ water every day?

  • PIQ water can flow into every cell of the organism.
  • The performance of all cells and organ systems, muscles, ligaments and tendons can be optimized to the maximum.
  • The highest possible nutrient uptake is possible.
  • The entire nervous system and all glands (for all processes in the body) can gradually function optimally again in a manner appropriate to age and life.
  • Disharmonies can be prevented and pain be alleviated.
  • Deposits in veins and arteries can be reduced and dissolved, thereby increasing the elasticity of the veins and arteries.
  • All organ systems can again be supplied intracellularly with a corresponding amount of nutrients in the blood and circulatory system with fewer congestions (or none at all).
  • The body fluids can be purer and opti painter drain.
  • The body’s own detoxification can be optimized

Effect of the "PIQ Water"

Due to the fineness of the water, it can moisten the food eaten better and penetrate the cell walls. In this way, it can optimally supply the cells with nutrients, which can lead to better food utilization. The waste products and toxins can only be properly removed from the cells with the good quality water. This can lead to a general improvement in liver values, thus relieving the strain on the organism, and consequently to a stronger immune system and thus to generally improved health. The optimal course of metabolism allows people to increase their energy. Due to the high water quality, people tend to drink more, which can lead to better performance.

The essence of water

As common as water may be for us, it is also extremely mysterious and still puzzles science today. Tap water is contaminated with a large number of foreign substances (medicines, hormones, pollutants, etc.) and is “clustered” by standing in pipes and can be described as “dead water”.

That's how nature does it

In nature, among other things, the clusters of water are (mechanically) broken up and structured by intensive turbulence processes. This turbulence dissolves large, sluggish and ie low-energy structures in the water and promotes its opposite: the formation of small, reactive and agile structures.

That's how we do it

Many coordinated active principles are integrated in the “PIQ Water” system with fine tuning, according to natural laws.These include multiple intense physical turbulences, pressure-suction zones, levitations, etc.

cluster refinement

With the finely tuned turbulence processes, the large-molecular cluster structures are broken up and refined. The small clusters make the water very cellular and highly available for the organism.

cluster structuring

Due to the enormous dynamization, the order of the clusters in the water is increased and a structured water is created, which takes on natural, crystalline structures.


With sufficient consumption “PIQ Water” improves the following processes:


  • Harmony and well-being
  • Increased concentration
  • Improved performance in school, work and sport
  • Children grow up healthier
  • Resilience increases
  • Health and self-healing processes are activated

PIQ Water can give you more benefits such as:

  • Optimizes your water quality
  • Reduces the intervals of water piping cleaning
  • No maintenance costs
  • Optimum value for money
  • No electricity costs